Knowing the origins and assumptions behind financial data is a challenge. Especially in the C-suite or corporate finance where innovation and change can't be locked down in enterprise applications. That’s where you'll find a lot of spreadsheets – agile and flexible, but with low traceability.  You have to do a lot of looking for things, manual verification, and preparing spreadsheets for audit can be a bear.  Truenumbers solves these problems - so your desktop solutions become enterprise solutions without your losing control of them. 


How often do you (or your auditors) ask "what's that number?  Where'd it come from?" This cell labeled as a GDP for example.  Did someone make it up? Tweak it?  Is it really a GDP?  Of what country?  What currency is it expressed in? Thousands?  Millions? Too bad you can't just ask it ...

Numbers that keep their story straight

Truenumbers are little packages that fuse meaning and context to numbers indivisibly, like little atoms of data so it can answer questions about itself.  A truenumber still works in a document or spreadsheet cell like ordinary numbers do, but a it can always tell you exactly what it means, no matter where it travels, in email, documents, program code, anywhere.  Changing it to do a what-if generates a new truenumber, stored with a link to the original one, automatically.

Here's the same spreadsheet cell, but containing a truenumber for that GDP this time.  The TrueOffice add-in for Excel can decode the metadata hidden in the number, and even follow a link to the document where the number was sourced.  

Game changer

"OK, neat trick" you're thinking.  But it's much more than that.  Besides living in spreadsheets and documents, a copy of every truenumber also lives in a truenumber database in the cloud, or your back-office. Suddenly, your spreadsheet-based processes can be more effective with even better governance than custom applications.  As your truenumber database grows, you'll find it to be one of your most valuable data assets for collaboration and consistency across the enterprise, yet completely business-user generated.

One global Fortune 500 company found that Truenumbers significantly increased productivity and auditability on a $1B M&A transaction, and subsequent audit. The resulting centralized database of financial assumptions and approved numbers will help speed their next transaction.  Contact us to learn more...